[fpc-pascal] Question regarding building fpc from sources

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Thu Nov 30 10:50:02 CET 2023

On Wed, 29 Nov 2023, Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal wrote:

> I have for many years been building my Linux versions of fpc and lazarus from
> sources downloaded first from the svn repository and later from github.
> When doing the build on a new Linux system I need a seed compiler for the
> platform and I usually get that from earlier builds on other devices.
> To simplify things I have made tgz archives of the compilers I have built and
> put them on my website so I can then use wget on a new device to download them
> into the fpc dir on that platform.
> Now there has been a bit of pause in these activities and I am trying to catch
> up so I wanted to create the tgz files for two compilers on my latest build
> system (a Raspberry Pi4B running 32 bit bookworm OS).
> After building 3.2.2 using a compiler I already had in the fpc dir I exctracted
> the ppcarm compiler from the compiler directory in the source tree and put it
> into a tgz archive.
> But amazingly when I tried to locate the output compiler from when I built the
> 3.2.0 version a week ago it has disappeared!
> No trace of it inside the fpc/3.2.0/compiler directory!
> The difference from the newly built compiler is that a week ago I also ran the
> make install command to put source files etc into a directory below my $HOME
> dir. This step is not yet done for 3.2.2
> My script does this for the install operations (variables set before of course).
> The current dir for the command is at the top of the source tree such as
> $HOME/devel/fpc/3.2.0
> make install PREFIX="$HOME" FPC="$HOME/devel/fpc/3.2.0/compiler/$FPCCOMPILER"
> ln -sf "$HOME/lib/fpc/3.2.0/$FPCCOMPILER" "$HOME/bin/$FPCCOMPILER"
> make sourceinstall PREFIX="$HOME" FPC="$HOME/bin/$FPCCOMPILER"
> $HOME/lib/fpc/3.2.2/samplecfg $HOME/lib/fpc/3.2.2 $HOME
> mv "$HOME/fpc.cfg" "$HOME/.fpc.cfg"
> Somewhere in the process above the newly built compiler/ppcarm disappears from
> the compiler dir....
> Is this what should happen or is it an error?

Because installing sources requires a 'clean' source tree, 
'make sourceinstall' does a clean first.

So you should not do this as long as the compiler binary has not been 
moved somewhere else. (the make install normally does this).


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