[fpc-pascal] SDL2 Event Registration (and case statements)

Guillermo Martínez Jiménez gmartinez at burdjia.com
Sun Jun 25 12:01:04 CEST 2023


> The SDL2 documentation recommends you to register constants with:
> Uint32 SDL_RegisterEvents(int numevents);
>    numevents = the number of events to be allocated.
>    Returns the beginning event number, or (Uint32)-1 if there are not
> enough user-defined events left.
> The SDL_RegisterEvents result is not known at compile time, so one
> can't use them as case conditions. So, Is there a workaround for
> building these constants at compile time?
If you know how many events were registered, then you can create
constants.  Else, you can't.

> Best,
> R

Guillermo "Ñuño" Martínez

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