[fpc-pascal] TFPHttpClient & TFPHttpServer
Michael Van Canneyt
michael at freepascal.org
Tue Jan 3 23:58:42 CET 2023
On Tue, 3 Jan 2023, duilio foschi via fpc-pascal wrote:
> I would like to write some code where a TFPHttpClient component sends
> a minimal json payload to a TFPHttpServer that (reads the payload).
> The working of the TFPHttpClient component is clear enough, while its
> counterpart TFPHttpServer proves rather obscure to me.
> TFPHttpClient
> ===========
> Page https://wiki.freepascal.org/fphttpclient
> contains complete and clear code:
> var
> Client: TFPHttpClient;
> Response: TStringStream;
> Params: string = '{"Name": "John", "Age": 32}';
> begin
> Client := TFPHttpClient.Create(nil);
> Client.AddHeader('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; fpweb)');
> Client.AddHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
> Client.AddHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
> Client.AllowRedirect := true;
> Client.UserName := USER_STRING;
> Client.Password := PASSW_STRING;
> Client.RequestBody := TRawByteStringStream.Create(Params);
> Response := TStringStream.Create('');
> try
> try
> Client.Post(TheURL, Response);
> Writeln('Response Code: ' +
> IntToStr(Client.ResponseStatusCode)); // better be 200
> except on E: Exception do
> Writeln('Something bad happened: ' + E.Message);
> end;
> finally
> Client.RequestBody.Free;
> Client.Free;
> Response.Free;
> end;
> I reckon I need to set - say-
> TheURL:='http://localhost:9200';
> here
> =============
> say we use
> TTestHTTPServer=class(TFPHTTPServer);
> for our server,
> I understand that all action takes place inside procedure
> DataModuleRequest (so far so good):
> procedure TTestHTTPServer.DataModuleRequest(Sender: TObject; ARequest: TRequest;
> AResponse: TResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
> begin
> //
> end;
> Q1: how can I create an object of type jsondata from ARequest?
include fpjson and jsonparser units in your uses clause. Then do
JSON :=GetJSON(aRequest.Content);
> Q2: can I get a UTF8 string from ARequest?
Yes, aRequest.Content is a string.
> Q3: TFPHTTPServer has property Port. I reckon it will be set to 9200
> here. Is it correct?
> Q4: TFPHTTPServer has property Address. I reckon it will be set to
> 'localhost' here. Is it correct?
It depends on what you want. Best is to leave it empty.
> Q5: TFPHTTPServer has no property Username and Password. How do I
> check the values I set in the corresponding properties of
> TFPHTTPClient?
aRequest.Authorization will be a string of the form
Where NNNNN is a base64 encoded string with username:password in it.
So you must decode the string (see bas64 unit) and split the resulting
string in username and password.
> Q6: what is the use of parameter Handled?
If Handled is false, then an error will be sent to the client.
You should set Handled to true.
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