[fpc-pascal] More syntax questions (part 4)

Adriaan van Os adriaan at adriaan.biz
Sat Dec 16 16:14:39 CET 2023

More questions about the FreePascal Language Reference (version 3.2.0), part 4

34. Are macpas LEAVE and CYCLE statements undocumented ?

35. Are macpas ellipsis (...) parameters undocumented ?

36. Is the macpas RETURN statement undocumented ?

37. Shouldn't the macpas "mwpascal" modifier be added to ?

	call-modifiers = "register" | "cdecl" | "pascal" | "stdcall" | "safecall" | "inline" | "mwpascal" .
	call-modifiers = "cdecl" | "inline" | "local" | "nostackframe" | "overload" | "pascal" | 
"register" | "safecall" | "saveregisters" | "softfloat" | "stdcall" | "varargs" | "mwpascal".

38. Is a <constref-parameter> rule missing ?

	constref-parameter = "CONSTREF" identifier-list [ ":" [ "ARRAY" "OF" ] type-identifier ] .


	parameter-declaration = value-parameter | variable-parameter | out-parameter | constant-parameter 
| out-parameter  | constref-parameter .

39. Section 16.7 defines a rule <library> and a rule <exports-clause>

	library = library-header ";" [ uses-clause ] block "." .
	exports-clause = "exports" exports-list ";" .

The exports-clause rule however doesn't seem to be referenced anywhere in the syntax, so it may 
have to be added to the <library> rule ?

40. < recordoperator-definition> = <record-operator-definition> ?

41. Is it correct that <operator-definition> is referenced only in the record <component-list> rule 
? I would expect something like an <operator-declaration-part> in various declaration rules.

(to be continued)

Adriaan van Os

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