[fpc-pascal] method-definition

Adriaan van Os adriaan at adriaan.biz
Fri Dec 15 14:56:34 CET 2023

I am puzzled by the syntax rule <method-list> in Chapter 6. Classes of the FreePascal Language 
Reference (version 3.2.0)

Section 6.1 Class definitions has

	method-definition = [ "CLASS" ] ( function-header | procedure-header | constructor-header | 
destructor-header ) ";" [ ( ( ( "virtual" | "dynamic" ) [ ";" "abstract" ] ) | "override" | 
"message" ( integer-constant | string-constant ) ) ";" ] [ call-modifiers ";" ] .

Section 6.6.1 Declaration has:

	method-definition = ( function-header | procedure-header | constructor-header | destructor-header 
) ";" method-directives .

	method-directives = ( ( "virtual" | "dynamic" ) [ ";" "abstract" ] | "reintroduce" ";" | 
"override" ";" | "message" constant-expression ) [ call-modifiers ";" ] .

Is this supposed to be the same rule for <method-definition> ?

Some notes:

1. I don't see a rule <constant-expression> anywhere in the Language Reference

2. "reintroduce" is in just one of the two definitions.

3. the optional "CLASS" is in just one of the two definitions.

What complicates things, is that many conflicting rules have the same name in the Language 
Reference. For example, conceptually we have object-methods, record-methods, class-methods, 
interface-methods and objcclass-methods. But only the record method rules are prefixed as such.


Adriaan van Os

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