[fpc-pascal] LLVM LTO

Jonas Maebe jonas at freepascal.org
Tue Aug 15 21:00:14 CEST 2023

On 15/08/2023 17:24, Benito van der Zander via fpc-pascal wrote:
> Hi
>> -Clflto -Clflto-no-system -k-fuse-ld=gold -k-plugin=/path/to/LLVMgold.so 
> that helped, but I have to do it without -Clflto-no-system, or it gives 
> an error

That was a typo, it's -Clfltonosystem. But it doesn't matter if the RTL 
is not compiled with LTO.

> Then I could run my unit tests:
> FPC alone: 25 seconds
> LLVM: 21 seconds
> LLVM LTO: 20 seconds
> does not seem to matter much

It depends on the program.


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