[fpc-pascal] Pointer question

Nikolay Nikolov nickysn at gmail.com
Fri Aug 11 12:12:35 CEST 2023

On 8/11/23 01:23, Hairy Pixels via fpc-pascal wrote:
>> On Aug 10, 2023, at 2:18 PM, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal<fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org>  wrote:
>> https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/current/ref/refse15.html#x42-620003.4
> This document doesn't really do a great enumerating all the operators so I'm not sure if the list is complete. I think the list is:
> var
>     p: pointer;
>     i: ^Integer;
>     v: Integer;
> begin
>    // 1)  increment
>    p := p + 1;
>    inc(p);
>    // 2)  increment
>    p := p - 1;
>    dec(p);
>    // 3) difference
>    v := p - p;
>   // 4) subscript (inc and dereference in one step)
>   v := i[1];
> #4 was not  in the list for example so I wonder what others exist.

That is not true. Read that document again and focus on the part that 
starts with "Remark Free Pascal treats pointers much the same way as C 
does. This means that a pointer to some type can be treated as being an 
array of this type."

In fact, Free Pascal's documentation and exactly this page is how I 
learned about this feature a long time ago.

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