[fpc-pascal] Forking the GitLab FPC Source repository

Norman Dunbar Norman at dunbar-it.co.uk
Sun Apr 30 17:23:00 CEST 2023

Good Afternoon All.

I'm attempting to fork the FPC Source repository on GitLab so that I can 
occasionally make some updates to the M68K Sinclair QL cross compiler 
RTL and Unit files. However, I get an error messages saying "an error 
occurred, try again". This is constant with every attempt, after fresh 
logins etc.

I suspect that this is down to the repository being private? If indeed 
it is private. There are docs on GitLab which advises that private repos 
can't be cloned unless a member.

Am I correct in this thinking? Is all I need to do is request access to 
the official repo using the link on the home page for it?

I have checked the FPC development docs, Wiki and searched with 
Google/DuckDuckGo to no avail.

Any advice gratefully reeceived. Thanks.

Norman Dunbar.

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