[fpc-pascal] As I predicted

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Fri Apr 14 16:40:39 CEST 2023

On 2023-04-14 16:25, Steve Litt via fpc-pascal wrote:

Hi all,

> As I predicted, here's what happened to me on #fpc:
> ==============================================
> Joanna sets ban on $a:stevelitt
> * You have been kicked from #fpc by Joanna (sorry i cant share a
>   channel with you after what you said in mailing list)
> ==============================================
> And here's what happens when I try to join #irc:
> ==============================================
> Cannot join #fpc (You are banned).
> ==============================================
> I'll be using #fpc-alt and ##fpc-alt from now on.

It's a pitty that this happened (and it's obvious that my response to 
the private message didn't have the expected result), but anyway - I'd 
like to ask everybody to direct potential responses and further 
discussion about the IRC channel and Joanna's moderation to the 
fpc-other mailing list.

(one of FPC mailing list moderators)

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