[fpc-pascal] IRC channel for FreePascal support ?

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Thu Apr 13 11:39:06 CEST 2023

On 2023-04-13 11:23, Jacob Kroon via fpc-pascal wrote:

Hi Jacob,

> Ok, maybe this "Joanna" is on this mailing list and would care to
> elaborate more why I got banned ?
> The same "Joanna" also kicked me out of the channel a couple of days
> ago with the reason that "we don't allow lurkers", since I was
> inactive in the chat.

Just FYI - I don't see anybody having name "Joanna" among people 
subscribed to this mailing list, and nobody like that has been 
considerably active here in the last years as far as my memory serves 
correctly. Obviously, the address and/or name may be completely 
different from the IRC nickname, thus it doesn't mean that you wouldn't 
get the response here for sure. I can't check the list of people 
subscribed to FPC forum, the person may be active there.

(one of FPC mailing list moderators)

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