[fpc-pascal] Test Free Pascal program not compiling
Terry A. Haimann
terry at haimann.us
Mon Sep 12 21:12:03 CEST 2022
I personally think it can't find the assembler. I did test this on my
desktop and it compiled w/o error.
Below you will see the output of the compile as you suggested. Sorry
it is so long.
Terry H.
terry at libre-computer:~/Documents/fpc/Silly$ fpc -va Sqrt.pas
[0.000] Macro defined: LINUX
[0.000] Macro defined: UNIX
[0.000] Macro defined: HASUNIX
[0.000] Macro defined: CPUARMEL
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_WINLIKERESOURCES
[0.000] Macro defined: CONSOLE
[0.000] Macro defined: LINUX
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC
[0.000] Macro defined: VER3
[0.000] Macro defined: VER3_0
[0.000] Macro defined: VER3_0_2
[0.000] Macro defined: RESSTRSECTIONS
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HASFIXED64BITVARIANT
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_VARSETS
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_VALGRINDBOOL
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_STR_CURRENCY
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_REAL2REAL_FIXED
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_STRTOCHARARRAYPROC
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_OBJFPC_EXTENDED_IF
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_OPERATOR_ENUMERATOR
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_CONSTREF
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_STATICRIPFIXED
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_VARIANTCOPY_FIXED
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_DYNARRAYCOPY_FIXED
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ABS_LONG
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_UNICODESTRING
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_RTTI_PACKSET1
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_CPSTRING
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_CEXTENDED
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_RESSTRINITS
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_MEMBAR
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_SETBASE_USED
[0.000] Macro defined: INTERNAL_BACKTRACE
[0.000] Macro defined: STR_CONCAT_PROCS
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_SUPPORT
[0.000] Macro defined: CPUARM
[0.000] Macro defined: CPU32
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_CURRENCY_IS_INT64
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_COMP_IS_INT64
[0.000] Configfile search: /home/terry/.fpc.cfg
[0.000] Configfile search: /usr/lib/fpc/etc/fpc.cfg
[0.000] Configfile search: /etc/fpc.cfg
[0.000] Handling option "-va"
[0.000] interpreting option "-va"
[0.000] Handling option "Sqrt.pas"
[0.000] found source file name "Sqrt.pas"
[0.000] Macro defined: ENDIAN_LITTLE
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_ABI_EABI
[0.102] Macro defined: CPUARMV3
[0.102] Macro defined: FPUSOFT
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_TYPE_SINGLE
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_TYPE_DOUBLE
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_LINK_STATIC
[0.102] Macro FPC_VERSION set to 3
[0.102] Macro FPC_RELEASE set to 0
[0.102] Macro FPC_PATCH set to 2
[0.102] Macro FPC_FULLVERSION set to 30002
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_HEAP
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_INITFINAL
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_RTTI
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_CLASSES
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_EXCEPTIONS
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_EXITCODE
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_ANSISTRINGS
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_WIDESTRINGS
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_TEXTIO
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_CONSOLEIO
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_FILEIO
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_RANDOM
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_VARIANTS
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_OBJECTS
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_DYNARRAYS
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_THREADING
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_COMMANDARGS
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_PROCESSES
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_STACKCHECK
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_DYNLIBS
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_SOFTFPU
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_OBJECTIVEC1
[0.102] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_RESOURCES
[0.102] Searching file /lib/ld-linux.so.3... not found
[0.102] Searching file /lib/ld-uClibc.so.0... not found
[0.102] Path "/usr/X11R6/lib/" not found
[0.164] Path "/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/" not found
[0.164] Compiler: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/ppcarm
[0.164] Compiler OS: Linux for ARMEL
[0.164] Target OS: Linux for ARMEL
[0.164] Using executable path: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/
[0.164] Using unit path: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/
[0.164] Using unit path: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/
[0.164] Using library path: /lib/
[0.164] Using library path: /usr/lib/
[0.164] Using library path: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/
[0.164] Using library path: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/
[0.164] Using object path: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/
[0.164] Using object path: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/
[0.164] Compiling Sqrt.pas
[0.164] Searching file Sqrt.pas... found
2 104/1.024 Kb Used
[0.164] (SQRT) Registering new unit SYSTEM
[0.164] (SQRT) Load from SQRT (implementation) unit SYSTEM
[0.164] (SYSTEM) Loading unit SYSTEM
[0.164] Unitsearch: system.ppu
[0.164] Searching file system.ppu... not found
[0.164] Searching file SYSTEM.PPU... not found
[0.164] Unitsearch: system.pp
[0.164] Searching file system.pp... not found
[0.164] Searching file SYSTEM.PP... not found
[0.164] Unitsearch: system.pas
[0.164] Searching file system.pas... not found
[0.164] Searching file SYSTEM.PAS... not found
[0.164] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/system.ppu
[0.172] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/system.ppu... found
[0.172] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/system.ppu
[0.172] (SYSTEM) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Flags: 192641
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Crc: 8EEB346A
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Crc: 35DD7A8C (intfc)
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Crc: 6800D1F3 (indc)
[0.180] (SYSTEM) Number of definitions: 4750
[0.180] (SYSTEM) Number of symbols: 13339
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: system.pp not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: osdefs.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysunixh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: systemh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysosh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: rtldefs.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: filerec.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: textrec.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: innr.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: mathh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: currh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: ustringh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: setjumph.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: objpash.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: varianth.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: rttih.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: dynarrh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: compproc.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: heaph.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: threadh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: resh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: softfpu.pp not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: softfpu.pp not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: system.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysos.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: errno.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: ostypes.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: ptypes.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: ctypes.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: stat.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: signal.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sighndh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: syscallh.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: syscall.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysnr.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: ossysc.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: syscgen.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: osmacro.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: armdefines.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: arm.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: divide.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: generic.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: set.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: genset.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: math.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: genmath.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: gencurr.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sstrings.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: flt_conv.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: flt_core.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: flt_pack.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: flt_pack.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: int64p.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: int64.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: astrings.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: ustrings.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: aliases.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: dynarr.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: objpas.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: except.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: variant.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: rtti.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: setjump.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysheap.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: heap.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: thread.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: threadvr.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysfile.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: text.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: file.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: typefile.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysdir.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysres.inc not available
[0.180] (SYSTEM) PPU Source: sighnd.inc not available
[0.266] (SYSTEM) Finished loading unit SYSTEM
[0.266] Searching file Sqrt.pas... found
[0.266] Searching file Sqrt.pas... found
[0.266] (SQRT) Registering new unit FPINTRES
[0.266] (SQRT) Load from SQRT (implementation) unit FPINTRES
[0.266] (FPINTRES) Loading unit FPINTRES
[0.266] Unitsearch: fpintres.ppu
[0.266] Searching file fpintres.ppu... not found
[0.266] Searching file FPINTRES.PPU... not found
[0.266] Unitsearch: fpintres.pp
[0.266] Searching file fpintres.pp... not found
[0.266] Searching file FPINTRES.PP... not found
[0.266] Unitsearch: fpintres.pas
[0.266] Searching file fpintres.pas... not found
[0.266] Searching file FPINTRES.PAS... not found
[0.266] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/fpintres.ppu
[0.266] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/fpintres.ppu... found
[0.266] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/fpintres.ppu
[0.266] (FPINTRES) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.266] (FPINTRES) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.266] (FPINTRES) PPU Flags: 176257
[0.266] (FPINTRES) PPU Crc: 95E08111
[0.266] (FPINTRES) PPU Crc: 9AB7D85B (intfc)
[0.266] (FPINTRES) PPU Crc: 6800D1F3 (indc)
[0.266] (FPINTRES) Number of definitions: 64
[0.266] (FPINTRES) Number of symbols: 169
[0.266] (FPINTRES) PPU Source: fpintres.pp not available
[0.266] (FPINTRES) PPU Source: intres.inc not available
[0.266] (FPINTRES) Load from FPINTRES (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.266] (FPINTRES) Adding dependency: FPINTRES depends on SYSTEM
[0.266] (FPINTRES) Finished loading unit FPINTRES
[0.266] Searching file Sqrt.pas... found
[0.266] (SQRT) Registering new unit SYSUTILS
[0.266] (SQRT) Registering new unit MATH
[0.266] (SQRT) Load from SQRT (implementation) unit SYSUTILS
[0.266] (SYSUTILS) Loading unit SYSUTILS
[0.266] Unitsearch: SysUtils.ppu
[0.266] Searching file SysUtils.ppu... not found
[0.266] Searching file sysutils.ppu... not found
[0.266] Searching file SYSUTILS.PPU... not found
[0.266] Unitsearch: SysUtils.pp
[0.266] Searching file SysUtils.pp... not found
[0.266] Searching file sysutils.pp... not found
[0.266] Searching file SYSUTILS.PP... not found
[0.266] Unitsearch: SysUtils.pas
[0.266] Searching file SysUtils.pas... not found
[0.266] Searching file sysutils.pas... not found
[0.266] Searching file SYSUTILS.PAS... not found
[0.266] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/SysUtils.ppu
[0.266] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/SysUtils.ppu... not found
[0.266] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/sysutils.ppu... found
[0.266] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/sysutils.ppu
[0.266] (SYSUTILS) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Flags: 8564867
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Crc: 3227DCFC
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Crc: C06F6AA4 (intfc)
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Crc: 9A0A7FD6 (indc)
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) Number of definitions: 4409
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) Number of symbols: 9678
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysutils.pp not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysutilh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysinth.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: osutilsh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: datih.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysstrh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syspchh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysansih.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syscodepagesh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syswideh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysunih.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysencodingh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: finah.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: finah.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: filutilh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: diskh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: systhrdh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelph.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: intfh.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysutils.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysansi.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syscodepages.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: fina.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: fexpand.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: disk.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: fina.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: fexpand.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: disk.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: filutil.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: varerror.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelp.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpf.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpf.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpo.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpo.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpo.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpo.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpo.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpo.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpo.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpo.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpo.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpo.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpb.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpb.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpb.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syshelpb.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysstr.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysformt.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syssr.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: dati.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syspch.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: strings.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: genstr.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: stringsi.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysint.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syswide.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysformt.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syssr.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysuni.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysformt.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: syssr.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysencoding.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysuthrd.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: osutil.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: sysuintf.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) PPU Source: suuid.inc not available
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) Registering new unit OBJPAS
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) Registering new unit LINUX
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) Registering new unit UNIX
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) Registering new unit ERRORS
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) Registering new unit SYSCONST
[0.273] (SYSUTILS) Registering new unit UNIXTYPE
[0.289] (SYSUTILS) Load from SYSUTILS (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.289] (SYSUTILS) Adding dependency: SYSUTILS depends on SYSTEM
[0.289] (SYSUTILS) Load from SYSUTILS (interface) unit OBJPAS
[0.289] (OBJPAS) Loading unit OBJPAS
[0.289] Unitsearch: objpas.ppu
[0.289] Searching file objpas.ppu... not found
[0.289] Searching file OBJPAS.PPU... not found
[0.289] Unitsearch: objpas.pp
[0.289] Searching file objpas.pp... not found
[0.289] Searching file OBJPAS.PP... not found
[0.289] Unitsearch: objpas.pas
[0.289] Searching file objpas.pas... not found
[0.289] Searching file OBJPAS.PAS... not found
[0.289] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/objpas.ppu
[0.289] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/objpas.ppu... found
[0.289] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/objpas.ppu
[0.289] (OBJPAS) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.289] (OBJPAS) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.289] (OBJPAS) PPU Flags: 176258
[0.289] (OBJPAS) PPU Crc: 7742AF4A
[0.289] (OBJPAS) PPU Crc: C584BD4F (intfc)
[0.289] (OBJPAS) PPU Crc: 4ECC7FC2 (indc)
[0.289] (OBJPAS) Number of definitions: 103
[0.289] (OBJPAS) Number of symbols: 179
[0.289] (OBJPAS) PPU Source: objpas.pp not available
[0.289] (OBJPAS) Load from OBJPAS (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.289] (OBJPAS) Adding dependency: OBJPAS depends on SYSTEM
[0.289] (OBJPAS) Finished loading unit OBJPAS
[0.289] (SYSUTILS) Adding dependency: SYSUTILS depends on OBJPAS
[0.289] (SYSUTILS) Load from SYSUTILS (interface) unit LINUX
[0.289] (LINUX) Loading unit LINUX
[0.289] Unitsearch: Linux.ppu
[0.289] Searching file Linux.ppu... not found
[0.289] Searching file linux.ppu... not found
[0.289] Searching file LINUX.PPU... not found
[0.289] Unitsearch: Linux.pp
[0.289] Searching file Linux.pp... not found
[0.289] Searching file linux.pp... not found
[0.289] Searching file LINUX.PP... not found
[0.289] Unitsearch: Linux.pas
[0.289] Searching file Linux.pas... not found
[0.289] Searching file linux.pas... not found
[0.289] Searching file LINUX.PAS... not found
[0.289] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/Linux.ppu
[0.289] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/Linux.ppu... not found
[0.289] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/linux.ppu... found
[0.289] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/linux.ppu
[0.289] (LINUX) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.297] (LINUX) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.297] (LINUX) PPU Flags: 176256
[0.297] (LINUX) PPU Crc: C6E5C29D
[0.297] (LINUX) PPU Crc: 6DE17E5A (intfc)
[0.297] (LINUX) PPU Crc: 00000000 (indc)
[0.297] (LINUX) Number of definitions: 71
[0.297] (LINUX) Number of symbols: 436
[0.297] (LINUX) PPU Source: linux.pp not available
[0.297] (LINUX) Registering new unit BASEUNIX
[0.297] (LINUX) Load from LINUX (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.297] (LINUX) Adding dependency: LINUX depends on SYSTEM
[0.297] (LINUX) Load from LINUX (interface) unit BASEUNIX
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) Loading unit BASEUNIX
[0.297] Unitsearch: BaseUnix.ppu
[0.297] Searching file BaseUnix.ppu... not found
[0.297] Searching file baseunix.ppu... not found
[0.297] Searching file BASEUNIX.PPU... not found
[0.297] Unitsearch: BaseUnix.pp
[0.297] Searching file BaseUnix.pp... not found
[0.297] Searching file baseunix.pp... not found
[0.297] Searching file BASEUNIX.PP... not found
[0.297] Unitsearch: BaseUnix.pas
[0.297] Searching file BaseUnix.pas... not found
[0.297] Searching file baseunix.pas... not found
[0.297] Searching file BASEUNIX.PAS... not found
[0.297] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/BaseUnix.ppu
[0.297] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/BaseUnix.ppu... not found
[0.297] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/baseunix.ppu... found
[0.297] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/baseunix.ppu
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Flags: 176256
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Crc: 1A9F31A5
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Crc: CC8A9BEC (intfc)
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Crc: 00000000 (indc)
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) Number of definitions: 474
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) Number of symbols: 1941
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: baseunix.pp not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: osdefs.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: aliasptp.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: aliasctp.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: errno.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: ostypes.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: stat.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: signal.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: sighndh.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: bunxh.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: bunxovlh.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: genfunch.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: genfuncs.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: gensigset.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: genfdset.inc not available
[0.297] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: syscallh.inc not available
[0.305] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: sysnr.inc not available
[0.305] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: bsyscall.inc not available
[0.305] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: bunxsysc.inc not available
[0.305] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: settimeo.inc not available
[0.305] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: osmacro.inc not available
[0.305] (BASEUNIX) PPU Source: bunxovl.inc not available
[0.305] (BASEUNIX) Load from BASEUNIX (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.305] (BASEUNIX) Adding dependency: BASEUNIX depends on SYSTEM
[0.305] (BASEUNIX) Load from BASEUNIX (interface) unit UNIXTYPE
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) Loading unit UNIXTYPE
[0.305] Unitsearch: unixtype.ppu
[0.305] Searching file unixtype.ppu... not found
[0.305] Searching file UNIXTYPE.PPU... not found
[0.305] Unitsearch: unixtype.pp
[0.305] Searching file unixtype.pp... not found
[0.305] Searching file UNIXTYPE.PP... not found
[0.305] Unitsearch: unixtype.pas
[0.305] Searching file unixtype.pas... not found
[0.305] Searching file UNIXTYPE.PAS... not found
[0.305] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/unixtype.ppu
[0.305] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/unixtype.ppu... found
[0.305] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/unixtype.ppu
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) PPU Flags: 176256
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) PPU Crc: 0080CA2F
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) PPU Crc: 742B3CF8 (intfc)
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) PPU Crc: 6800D1F3 (indc)
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) Number of definitions: 74
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) Number of symbols: 206
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) PPU Source: unixtype.pp not available
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) PPU Source: ptypes.inc not available
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) PPU Source: ctypes.inc not available
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) Load from UNIXTYPE (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) Adding dependency: UNIXTYPE depends on SYSTEM
[0.305] (UNIXTYPE) Finished loading unit UNIXTYPE
[0.305] (BASEUNIX) Adding dependency: BASEUNIX depends on UNIXTYPE
[0.320] (BASEUNIX) Finished loading unit BASEUNIX
[0.320] (LINUX) Adding dependency: LINUX depends on BASEUNIX
[0.320] (LINUX) Load from LINUX (interface) unit UNIXTYPE
[0.320] (LINUX) Adding dependency: LINUX depends on UNIXTYPE
[0.320] (LINUX) Registering new unit SYSCALL
[0.320] (LINUX) Load from LINUX (implementation) unit SYSCALL
[0.320] (SYSCALL) Loading unit SYSCALL
[0.320] Unitsearch: syscall.ppu
[0.320] Searching file syscall.ppu... not found
[0.320] Searching file SYSCALL.PPU... not found
[0.320] Unitsearch: syscall.pp
[0.320] Searching file syscall.pp... not found
[0.320] Searching file SYSCALL.PP... not found
[0.320] Unitsearch: syscall.pas
[0.320] Searching file syscall.pas... not found
[0.320] Searching file SYSCALL.PAS... not found
[0.320] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/syscall.ppu
[0.320] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/syscall.ppu... found
[0.320] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/syscall.ppu
[0.320] (SYSCALL) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.320] (SYSCALL) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.320] (SYSCALL) PPU Flags: 177152
[0.320] (SYSCALL) PPU Crc: D8935216
[0.320] (SYSCALL) PPU Crc: 715372CE (intfc)
[0.320] (SYSCALL) PPU Crc: 6800D1F3 (indc)
[0.320] (SYSCALL) Number of definitions: 15
[0.320] (SYSCALL) Number of symbols: 381
[0.320] (SYSCALL) PPU Source: syscall.pp not available
[0.320] (SYSCALL) PPU Source: sysnr.inc not available
[0.320] (SYSCALL) PPU Source: syscallh.inc not available
[0.320] (SYSCALL) Load from SYSCALL (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.320] (SYSCALL) Adding dependency: SYSCALL depends on SYSTEM
[0.328] (SYSCALL) Finished loading unit SYSCALL
[0.328] (LINUX) Adding dependency: LINUX depends on SYSCALL
[0.328] (LINUX) Finished loading unit LINUX
[0.328] (SYSUTILS) Adding dependency: SYSUTILS depends on LINUX
[0.328] (SYSUTILS) Load from SYSUTILS (interface) unit UNIX
[0.328] (UNIX) Loading unit UNIX
[0.328] Unitsearch: Unix.ppu
[0.328] Searching file Unix.ppu... not found
[0.328] Searching file unix.ppu... not found
[0.328] Searching file UNIX.PPU... not found
[0.328] Unitsearch: Unix.pp
[0.328] Searching file Unix.pp... not found
[0.328] Searching file unix.pp... not found
[0.328] Searching file UNIX.PP... not found
[0.328] Unitsearch: Unix.pas
[0.328] Searching file Unix.pas... not found
[0.328] Searching file unix.pas... not found
[0.328] Searching file UNIX.PAS... not found
[0.328] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/Unix.ppu
[0.328] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/Unix.ppu... not found
[0.328] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/unix.ppu... found
[0.328] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/unix.ppu
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Flags: 176259
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Crc: 2139FD3F
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Crc: A3716CBD (intfc)
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Crc: 00000000 (indc)
[0.328] (UNIX) Number of definitions: 304
[0.328] (UNIX) Number of symbols: 729
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: unix.pp not available
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: aliasptp.inc not available
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: aliasctp.inc not available
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: unxconst.inc not available
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: unxsysch.inc not available
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: unxovlh.inc not available
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: unxovl.inc not available
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: syscallh.inc not available
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: unxsysc.inc not available
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: unxfunc.inc not available
[0.328] (UNIX) PPU Source: timezone.inc not available
[0.328] (UNIX) Load from UNIX (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.328] (UNIX) Adding dependency: UNIX depends on SYSTEM
[0.328] (UNIX) Load from UNIX (interface) unit BASEUNIX
[0.328] (UNIX) Adding dependency: UNIX depends on BASEUNIX
[0.328] (UNIX) Load from UNIX (interface) unit UNIXTYPE
[0.328] (UNIX) Adding dependency: UNIX depends on UNIXTYPE
[0.328] (UNIX) Registering new unit UNIXUTIL
[0.328] (UNIX) Load from UNIX (implementation) unit UNIXUTIL
[0.328] (UNIXUTIL) Loading unit UNIXUTIL
[0.328] Unitsearch: unixutil.ppu
[0.328] Searching file unixutil.ppu... not found
[0.328] Searching file UNIXUTIL.PPU... not found
[0.328] Unitsearch: unixutil.pp
[0.328] Searching file unixutil.pp... not found
[0.328] Searching file UNIXUTIL.PP... not found
[0.328] Unitsearch: unixutil.pas
[0.328] Searching file unixutil.pas... not found
[0.328] Searching file UNIXUTIL.PAS... not found
[0.328] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/unixutil.ppu
[0.328] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/unixutil.ppu... found
[0.328] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/unixutil.ppu
[0.328] (UNIXUTIL) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) PPU Flags: 176256
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) PPU Crc: 180C3C6B
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) PPU Crc: 6729615B (intfc)
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) PPU Crc: 6800D1F3 (indc)
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) Number of definitions: 38
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) Number of symbols: 105
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) PPU Source: unixutil.pp not available
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) Load from UNIXUTIL (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) Adding dependency: UNIXUTIL depends on SYSTEM
[0.336] (UNIXUTIL) Finished loading unit UNIXUTIL
[0.336] (UNIX) Adding dependency: UNIX depends on UNIXUTIL
[0.336] (UNIX) Load from UNIX (implementation) unit SYSCALL
[0.336] (UNIX) Adding dependency: UNIX depends on SYSCALL
[0.336] (UNIX) Finished loading unit UNIX
[0.336] (SYSUTILS) Adding dependency: SYSUTILS depends on UNIX
[0.336] (SYSUTILS) Load from SYSUTILS (interface) unit ERRORS
[0.336] (ERRORS) Loading unit ERRORS
[0.336] Unitsearch: errors.ppu
[0.336] Searching file errors.ppu... not found
[0.336] Searching file ERRORS.PPU... not found
[0.336] Unitsearch: errors.pp
[0.336] Searching file errors.pp... not found
[0.336] Searching file ERRORS.PP... not found
[0.336] Unitsearch: errors.pas
[0.336] Searching file errors.pas... not found
[0.336] Searching file ERRORS.PAS... not found
[0.336] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/errors.ppu
[0.336] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/errors.ppu... found
[0.336] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/errors.ppu
[0.336] (ERRORS) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.336] (ERRORS) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.336] (ERRORS) PPU Flags: 176256
[0.336] (ERRORS) PPU Crc: 1647B86F
[0.336] (ERRORS) PPU Crc: 4FD343C1 (intfc)
[0.336] (ERRORS) PPU Crc: 00000000 (indc)
[0.336] (ERRORS) Number of definitions: 140
[0.336] (ERRORS) Number of symbols: 18
[0.336] (ERRORS) PPU Source: errors.pp not available
[0.336] (ERRORS) PPU Source: errnostr.inc not available
[0.336] (ERRORS) Load from ERRORS (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.336] (ERRORS) Adding dependency: ERRORS depends on SYSTEM
[0.336] (ERRORS) Load from ERRORS (interface) unit UNIXTYPE
[0.336] (ERRORS) Adding dependency: ERRORS depends on UNIXTYPE
[0.336] (ERRORS) Finished loading unit ERRORS
[0.336] (SYSUTILS) Adding dependency: SYSUTILS depends on ERRORS
[0.336] (SYSUTILS) Load from SYSUTILS (interface) unit SYSCONST
[0.336] (SYSCONST) Loading unit SYSCONST
[0.336] Unitsearch: sysconst.ppu
[0.336] Searching file sysconst.ppu... not found
[0.336] Searching file SYSCONST.PPU... not found
[0.336] Unitsearch: sysconst.pp
[0.336] Searching file sysconst.pp... not found
[0.336] Searching file SYSCONST.PP... not found
[0.336] Unitsearch: sysconst.pas
[0.336] Searching file sysconst.pas... not found
[0.336] Searching file SYSCONST.PAS... not found
[0.336] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/sysconst.ppu
[0.336] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/sysconst.ppu... found
[0.336] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/sysconst.ppu
[0.336] (SYSCONST) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.344] (SYSCONST) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.344] (SYSCONST) PPU Flags: 178304
[0.344] (SYSCONST) PPU Crc: 97754536
[0.344] (SYSCONST) PPU Crc: E9FB37C1 (intfc)
[0.344] (SYSCONST) PPU Crc: 26CCAE31 (indc)
[0.344] (SYSCONST) Number of definitions: 210
[0.344] (SYSCONST) Number of symbols: 159
[0.344] (SYSCONST) PPU Source: sysconst.pp not available
[0.344] (SYSCONST) Load from SYSCONST (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.344] (SYSCONST) Adding dependency: SYSCONST depends on SYSTEM
[0.344] (SYSCONST) Load from SYSCONST (interface) unit OBJPAS
[0.344] (SYSCONST) Adding dependency: SYSCONST depends on OBJPAS
[0.344] (SYSCONST) Finished loading unit SYSCONST
[0.344] (SYSUTILS) Adding dependency: SYSUTILS depends on SYSCONST
[0.344] (SYSUTILS) Load from SYSUTILS (interface) unit UNIXTYPE
[0.344] (SYSUTILS) Adding dependency: SYSUTILS depends on UNIXTYPE
[0.383] (SYSUTILS) Load from SYSUTILS (implementation) unit SYSCALL
[0.383] (SYSUTILS) Adding dependency: SYSUTILS depends on SYSCALL
[0.383] (SYSUTILS) Load from SYSUTILS (implementation) unit BASEUNIX
[0.383] (SYSUTILS) Adding dependency: SYSUTILS depends on BASEUNIX
[0.383] (SYSUTILS) Load from SYSUTILS (implementation) unit UNIXUTIL
[0.383] (SYSUTILS) Adding dependency: SYSUTILS depends on UNIXUTIL
[0.391] (SYSUTILS) Finished loading unit SYSUTILS
[0.391] Searching file Sqrt.pas... found
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM/usr/bin/fpcTGUID_$_
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_ANSISTRING
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_SINGLE
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_DOUBLE
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_BYTE
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_SHORTINT
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_SMALLINT
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_WORD
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_LONGWORD
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_LONGINT
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_INT64
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_QWORD
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_LONGINT
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_LONGWORD
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_BOOLEAN
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_BYTEBOOL
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_WORDBOOL
[0.398] Adding helper for SYSTEM_$$_LONGBOOL
[0.398] (SQRT) Load from SQRT (implementation) unit MATH
[0.398] (MATH) Loading unit MATH
[0.398] Unitsearch: Math.ppu
[0.398] Searching file Math.ppu... not found
[0.398] Searching file math.ppu... not found
[0.398] Searching file MATH.PPU... not found
[0.398] Unitsearch: Math.pp
[0.398] Searching file Math.pp... not found
[0.398] Searching file math.pp... not found
[0.398] Searching file MATH.PP... not found
[0.398] Unitsearch: Math.pas
[0.398] Searching file Math.pas... not found
[0.398] Searching file math.pas... not found
[0.398] Searching file MATH.PAS... not found
[0.398] Unitsearch: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/Math.ppu
[0.398] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/Math.ppu... not found
[0.398] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
linux/rtl/math.ppu... found
[0.398] PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-linux/rtl/math.ppu
[0.398] (MATH) PPU Name: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/arm-
[0.398] (MATH) PPU Time: 2017/02/18 16:59:12
[0.398] (MATH) PPU Flags: 178304
[0.398] (MATH) PPU Crc: 4669D5C9
[0.398] (MATH) PPU Crc: 655D56A5 (intfc)
[0.398] (MATH) PPU Crc: BEE36B37 (indc)
[0.398] (MATH) Number of definitions: 520
[0.398] (MATH) Number of symbols: 1430
[0.398] (MATH) PPU Source: math.pp not available
[0.398] (MATH) PPU Source: mathu.inc not available
[0.398] (MATH) Load from MATH (interface) unit SYSTEM
[0.406] (MATH) Adding dependency: MATH depends on SYSTEM
[0.406] (MATH) Load from MATH (interface) unit OBJPAS
[0.406] (MATH) Adding dependency: MATH depends on OBJPAS
[0.406] (MATH) Load from MATH (interface) unit SYSUTILS
[0.406] (MATH) Adding dependency: MATH depends on SYSUTILS
[0.414] (MATH) Finished loading unit MATH
[0.414] Searching file Sqrt.pas... found
[0.414] Sqrt.pas(3,1) (SQRT) Parsing implementation of Sqrt.pas
[0.414] Sqrt.pas(2,16) Hint: Unit "math" not used in Sqrt
[0.414] (SQRT) Unloading resource unit FPINTRES (not needed)
[0.422] Assembling sqrt
[0.422] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/as... not found
[0.422] Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/AS... not found
[0.422] Searching file /usr/local/bin/as... not found
[0.422] Searching file /usr/local/bin/AS... not found
[0.430] Searching file /usr/bin/as... found
[0.430] Using assembler: /usr/bin/as
[0.430] Executing "/usr/bin/as" with command line "-mfpu=softvfp -o
Sqrt.o Sqrt.s"
Assembler messages:
Error: unrecognized option -mfpu=softvfp
[0.508] Sqrt.pas(10,27) Error: Error while assembling exitcode 1
[0.508] Sqrt.pas(10,27) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module,
[0.570] Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppcarm returned an error exitcode
terry at libre-computer:~/Documents/fpc/Silly$
On Mon, 2022-09-12 at 07:22 +0200, Christo Crause wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Sep 2022, 02:59 Terry A. Haimann via fpc-pascal, <
> fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org> wrote:
> > Trying to compile a small test pascal program on a arm cpu. I
> > beleive
> >
> > it is an a53. Libre Le Potato
> >
> >
> >
> > I am getting the following error:
> >
> >
> >
> > Error: Error while assembling exitcode 1
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> >
> >
> > Terry H.
> Enable the compiler's verbose mode (-va). The real error is sometimes
> printed much earlier in the compiler output.
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