[fpc-pascal] Working on a new way to educate people about pascal

Dwight Schauer das at teegra.net
Wed Dec 28 13:40:14 CET 2022

On 12/28/22 06:01, Hairy Pixels via fpc-pascal wrote:
>> On Dec 28, 2022, at 4:45 PM, wkitty42--- via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org> wrote:
>> like james, i also have like 40-45 years programming experience... 99% of my stuff is still text mode tools and apps... GUI stuff has just never made sense to me...
> Just curious, how so? GUI is usually the easiest parts of programming but these days using Pascal there aren’t many options. Should be easy to pick up some tutorials even if it’s another language with a good framework for what ever platform you use.

If you have a top-down view then GUIs have the illusion of being easy, 
because you are blissfully ignorant of their complexity.

With that blissful ignorance one is forced to master event based 
programming model, which among other things in GUI programming is a 
fairly advanced topic.

If you have a bottom-up view, then you understand that GUIs are 
extremely complex. They are anything but "simple".

If you understand interrupts and real time embedded systems, then you 
will grasp event-based base programming with a far deeper understand 
then the beginner programmer.

I've done a lot of GUI work in the distant past and web-ui work in the 
not so distant past, but before that learned bottom up.

Web-UI's are far from being simple, they are even more complex than a 
native GUI app, and are an even higher layer on top of even more complex 

To write good Web-UIs, once again, among other things, event-based 

So starting out with GUIs and Web-UIs beginners is forcing them deal 
with very advanced concepts right away. Yes, there is the visual appeal, 
but it is an illusion in my opinion. Like wkitty42, I've been 
programming for a while, only 30 to 35 years though, since the mid 80s, 
more so since the early 90s.

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