[fpc-pascal] Code page for the Windows event viewer
abbuyy at zoho.com
Thu Sep 16 23:26:27 CEST 2021
No change.
On 16.09.2021 13:28, Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal wrote:
> On 2021-09-15 16:09, Abuy via fpc-pascal wrote:
>> UnicodeString change only look of symbols (instead of quastion marks
>> this — Іівівйц ГђВ№
>> вфівфъ2цву
>> йцуцйівів). No BOM. File is UTF-8. No
>> command line parameters.
> If your source file is in UTF-8, you need to let the compiler know about
> this. You can do so by using the compiler option -Fcutf8 (or by using
> the BOM, but the explicit option is the safest).
> Tomas
>> On 15.09.2021 16:53, Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal wrote:
>>> On 2021-09-15 15:08, Abuy via fpc-pascal wrote:
>>>> Instead of cyrillic characters there some garbage in Windows event
>>>> viewer. Have tried AnsiString with Windows-1251 code page (type
>>>> StringCP1251 = type AnsiString(1251)) but this does not work. What
>>>> works is RawByteString variable with the following conversion to
>>>> Windows-1251. Here is code:
>>>> {$MODE objfpc} {$ifdef mswindows}{$apptype console}{$endif}
>>>> {$R C:\lazarus\fpc\3.2.0\source\packages\fcl-base\src\win\fclel.res}
>>>> program Project1;
>>>> uses
>>>> EventLog,
>>>> sysutils;
>>>> type
>>>> StringCP1251 = type AnsiString(1251);
>>>> var
>>>> logger:teventlog;
>>>> //msg:StringCP1251;
>>>> msg:rawbytestring;
>>>> begin
>>>> msg:='Іівівйц й вфівфъ2цву йцуцйівів';
>>>> SetCodePage(msg, 1251, True);
>>>> Write('DefaultSystemCodePage is ');
>>>> Writeln(system.DefaultSystemCodePage);
>>>> logger:=teventlog.create(nil);
>>>> logger.Identification:='My gressdqwwe';
>>>> logger.RegisterMessageFile('');
>>>> logger.logtype:=ltsystem;
>>>> logger.active:=true;
>>>> Write('Code page is ');
>>>> WriteLn(StringCodePage(msg));
>>>> logger.Info(msg);
>>>> logger.Destroy;
>>>> WriteLn('End');
>>>> end.
>>> What happens if you declare Msg as UnicodeString? How is your source
>>> file stored (which encoding, BOM if applicable or not)? Which command
>>> line parameters do you use (e.g. -Fc???)?
>>> Tomas
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