[fpc-pascal] -FNsystem

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Thu May 27 14:16:06 CEST 2021

Mattias Gaertner via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org> schrieb
am Do., 27. Mai 2021, 13:32:

> Hi,
> There are some dotted units in fpc, e.g. system.uitypes.
> So it would be nice to have -FNsystem in the default fpc.cfg (Delphi
> compatible).
> What do you think?

While I agree that adding the namespaces might be a good idea, the fpc.cfg
is not: unlike with Delphi, where it's available as a setting, the fpc.cfg
can't be changed from the IDE. And you can't "unadd" a default namespace,
it needs to be actively removed from the cfg.

Also the less fpc.cfg does automatically for *such* settings the better
(its why we're essentially stuck with enabled C operators as well...).


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