[fpc-pascal] GetSaveFileNameA limited to 100 characters in default name

Jean SUZINEAU jean.suzineau at wanadoo.fr
Sun Jun 20 05:35:46 CEST 2021

I think you should have a look at this documentation on strings, 
particularly for PChar :

Le 20/06/2021 à 02:09, James Richters a écrit :
> DefaultFileName: AnsiString = '' ;
So Length(DefaultFileName) = 0
> TFileName.nMaxFile:=Max_Path+1;
This says that lpstrFile points to a buffer of size Max_Path+1.
> TFileName.lpstrFile:=Pchar('');
But here you make it point to a buffer of size 1 (a constant with just a 
null char)
I think OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST forbid to create new file.
> TFileName.lpstrFile:=Pchar(DefaultFileName);

New assignment of lpstrFile, make it point to DefaultFileName, which 
seems to be of length 0, so a buffer of size 1 (a constant with just a 
null char at the end).

I think you should at least add the begining of your code : SetLength( 
DefaultFileName, Max_Path);

> It seems TFileName is already defined and I am re-defining 
> it…TFileName was not my idea.. that is not how I name my variables…

The name is a bit misleading, but as soon as it's a variable of type 
TOpenFileNameA, it's fine.

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