[fpc-pascal] Question about System.Move()

Benito van der Zander benito at benibela.de
Wed Jan 27 23:34:47 CET 2021


>> Procedure ManagedMove<T>(const source: T;var dest: T;count: SizeInt);
> In principle a good idea. However this is one of those cases where 
> you'd definitely need to use constref instead of const.

Or var, since the source might be cleared

>     And perhaps there could be a special attribute to mark which kind
>     of moving is needed, e.g..
>       type [moveable] TA = record
>       type [referencecounted] TA = record
>       type [nonmoveable] TA = record
> No, thank you.
But it could help a lot with optimizations. For moveable types it could 
omit calling an assignment function and just do a memory copy; and for 
refcounted tyes it could that when the number of references does not 

Like a simple swap function:

procedure stringSwap(var a, b: string);
var t: string;
   t := a;
   a := b;
   b := t;

A smart compiler could detect that it is a refcounted type and the 
number of references stays the same, and thus optimize it into:

     mov    (%rdi),%rax
     mov    (%rsi),%rdx
     mov    %rdx,(%rdi)
     mov    %rax,(%rsi)

But FPC turns it into:

     push   %rbx
     push   %r12
     lea    -0x68(%rsp),%rsp
     mov    %rdi,%rbx
     mov    %rsi,%r12
     movq   $0x0,(%rsp)
     lea    0x8(%rsp),%rdx
     lea    0x20(%rsp),%rsi
     mov    $0x1,%edi
     callq  0x4324c0 <fpc_pushexceptaddr>
     mov    %rax,%rdi
     callq  0x41fba0 <fpc_setjmp>
     movslq %eax,%rdx
     mov    %rdx,0x60(%rsp)
     test   %eax,%eax
     jne    0x469191 <STRINGSWAP+97>
     t := a;
     mov    (%rbx),%rsi
     mov    %rsp,%rdi
     callq  0x428d00 <fpc_ansistr_assign>
     a := b;
     mov    (%r12),%rsi
     mov    %rbx,%rdi
     callq  0x428d00 <fpc_ansistr_assign>
     b := t;
     mov    (%rsp),%rsi
     mov    %r12,%rdi
     callq  0x428d00 <fpc_ansistr_assign>
     callq  0x432830 <fpc_popaddrstack>
     mov    %rsp,%rdi
     callq  0x428ca0 <fpc_ansistr_decr_ref>
     mov    0x60(%rsp),%rax
     test   %rax,%rax
     je     0x4691b8 <STRINGSWAP+136>
     callq  0x4329e0 <fpc_reraise>
     movq   $0x0,0x60(%rsp)
     jmp    0x469191 <STRINGSWAP+97>
     lea    0x68(%rsp),%rsp
     pop    %r12
     pop    %rbx

> Then you want to simply use ismanagedtype and move().  Moving the 
> move() to a separate generic procedure will only lead to many 
> instantiations of what is basically a move() procedure.

The goal is to reduce instantiations.
If there are n generic (collection) classes, C1, C2, .., Cn, and k types 
used in the collections, T1, T2, .. Tk, there are n*k collection class 
instantiation C1<T1>, C1<T2>, .. C1<Tk>, C2<T1>, ... Cn<Tk>
If each collection class does its own Finalize-Loop/Move/Fillchar there 
are also n*k of these move implementations. So like 3*n*k calls.
When any collection can call the same ManagedMove, there should only be 
k ManagedMove instantiations and n*k calls to ManagedMove, which is only 
one call. So it is k + n*k calls,  which is around a third of 3*n*k

On 11.01.21 18:51, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote:
> Benito van der Zander via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org 
> <mailto:fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org>> schrieb am Mo., 11. Jan. 
> 2021, 15:26:
>     Hi,
>     perhaps a  safe, generic function for this copying could be added
>     to the RTL. Like:
>     Procedure ManagedMove<T>(const source: T;var dest: T;count: SizeInt);
> In principle a good idea. However this is one of those cases where 
> you'd definitely need to use constref instead of const.
>     And when you use IsManagedType, it does not distinguish standard
>     strings with such weird managed types.
> You can additionally use GetTypeKind as well. Unlike TypeInfo it 
> directly returns the TTypeKind (which for this case is enough) and is 
> considered constant.
>     And perhaps there could be a special attribute to mark which kind
>     of moving is needed, e.g..
>       type [moveable] TA = record
>       type [referencecounted] TA = record
>       type [nonmoveable] TA = record
> No, thank you.
> Regards,
> Sven
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