[fpc-pascal] fcl-web: Trequest.RemoteAddr is empty (sometimes)

Luca Olivetti luca at ventoso.org
Tue Jan 12 10:56:28 CET 2021

El 12/1/21 a les 10:24, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

>> Am I right thinking that, even if several copies of the above method 
>> are running, each will get it's own local variables, so the 
>> LocCommandQueue variable (as well as the other locals) won't be 
>> clobbered by another copy?
>> Or should I declare them as threadvar?
> If FCommandQueue is the only thing that is set during SyncNewConnection
> based on TRequest, then yes.

yes to "each will get its [*] own local" or yes to "should I declare 
them as threadvar"?

> For safety, I would Nil the FCommandQueue 
> after
> assigning it to locCommandQueue.

No need, it's only used as a return value from the synchronized method.

[*] sorry for the "it's" in the original sentence


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