[fpc-pascal] Pascal Ardiono (avr) library
Joost van der Sluis
joost at cnoc.nl
Sun Apr 4 12:50:30 CEST 2021
Op 03-04-2021 om 20:42 schreef Florian Klämpfl via fpc-pascal:
>> Am 03.04.2021 um 19:49 schrieb Joost van der Sluis via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org>:
>> Hi all,
>> During some spare free time I've ported parts of the Arduino AVR library to Free Pascal. So now it is possible to use things like 'DigitalWrite' and 'Delay'.
>> More info here: https://lazarussupport.com/introducing-pasduino-the-pascal-avr-arduino-library/
> You write that the assembler is far from ideal. Did you notice any problems in particular? Because in general it’s not that bad as long as one keeps in mind that one is working on a 8 bit systems where e.g. 32 bit integers hurt.
I came across some issues while doing this, but I can not remember all
of them.
One thing is constant-propagation in combination with auto-inlining. It
would be really nice when calling PinMode with two constant parameters,
would only lead to setting the constant value at two memory locations.
(Between avr_save and avr_restore) Yes, then I have to change the
parameters to const, and add {$WRITEABLECONST OFF} to the Arduino unit.
I doubt many (if any) compiler will/can do this. But that would be
ideal. (I think we need the concept Gareth calls 'pure functions' for this)
Another thing is the less-then-ideal use of registers, at least in my
eyes, but it could be that I miss something.
Take this function:
procedure THardwareSerial.SerialEnd;
// wait for transmission of outgoing data
Fucsrb^ := Fucsrb^ and not (1 shl RXEN0);
Fucsrb^ := Fucsrb^ and not (1 shl TXEN0);
Fucsrb^ := Fucsrb^ and not (1 shl RXCIE0);
Fucsrb^ := Fucsrb^ and not (1 shl UDRIE0);
// clear any received data
//FRXBufferHead := FRXBufferTail;
The 4 statements could be converted into 1. But I agree with the
compiler that this is not done, as reading and writing to a memory
location this way should be considered 'volatile'.
Leads to this, my comments prefixed with JvdS:
.section .text.n_hardwareserials_sthardwareserial_s__ss_serialend,"ax"
# Register r24,r25,r18 allocated
# [224] begin
mov r18,r24
# Register r24 released
# Var $self located in register r18:r25
JvdS: self in r18:r25? Strange combination?
# Register r30 allocated
mov r30,r18
# Register r31 allocated
mov r31,r25
# Now self is in Z.
# Register r19 allocated
ldd r19,Z+18
# Register r20 allocated
ldd r20,Z+19
# Register r31 released
# [228] Fucsrb^ := Fucsrb^ and not (1 shl RXEN0);
JvdS: Here we override Z. After this is points to Fucsrb^
mov r30,r19
# Register r31 allocated
mov r31,r20
# Register r21 allocated
ld r21,Z
andi r21,-17
# Register r19,r20 released
st Z,r21
# Register r21,r31 released
JvdS: Now we do exactly the same again? This could all be skipped!
mov r30,r18
# Register r31 allocated
mov r31,r25
# Register r19 allocated
ldd r19,Z+18
# Register r20 allocated
ldd r20,Z+19
# Register r31 released
# [229] Fucsrb^ := Fucsrb^ and not (1 shl TXEN0);
mov r30,r19
# Register r31 allocated
mov r31,r20
# Register r21 allocated
ld r21,Z
andi r21,-9
# Register r19,r20 released
st Z,r21
JvdS: And again.....
# Register r21,r31 released
mov r30,r18
# Register r31 allocated
mov r31,r25
# Register r19 allocated
ldd r19,Z+18
# Register r20 allocated
ldd r20,Z+19
# Register r31 released
# [230] Fucsrb^ := Fucsrb^ and not (1 shl RXCIE0);
mov r30,r19
# Register r31 allocated
mov r31,r20
Isn't it at least a good practice to store self at Y. So we have Z free
for other calculations and can access members directly using ldd (),y+().
But maybe that's difficult?
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