[fpc-pascal] stdcall without the ;

Santiago A. svaa at ciberpiula.net
Thu Sep 24 09:55:01 CEST 2020

El 23/09/2020 a las 19:45, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal escribió:
> El 23/9/20 a les 17:38, Santiago A. via fpc-pascal ha escrit:
>> El 23/09/2020 a las 13:54, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal escribió:
>>> Hello,
>>> I just compiled a lazarus project made in 2105 with fpc 3.2.0 and, 
>>> while it works here, it fails when the customer runs it.
>> What does "it fails" mean?
>> Any error message? Sigfault?
> I'm not at the customer's site, but he told me that it does nothing, 
> it shows nothing and it's not visible in the task manager.
> What's worse, I have an application exception handler that logs the 
> first unmanaged exception to a file and the halts the program, well, 
> the customer says the file doesn't exist, so I presume there's no 
> unmanaged exception or the application doesn't even reach the handler.
> Bye
Little information ;-)

You could try a few things to get more data about what is the point 
where the program breaks:

  * Add some log  information (write to a log file, not through
    exception) in the lpr file before it starts the application run.
  * Add to the main form in the create constructor and in the formcreate
    event some log information.

If the programs doesn't starts at all, then probable you have any 
problem at binary level. That is usually hard the find. You could ask 
the customer to run it from cmd prompt. Sometimes it displays some 
informative message.

Once I had the problem that 32bits worked fine in my PC, but failed in 
customer's system. The problem was that I was using firebird but the 
customer had installed 64bits version, so the client library 
fbclient.dll was 64bits and exe 32bits. I copied a 32bits fbclient.dll 
to the exe directory and everything worked fine.


Santiago A.

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