[fpc-pascal] -Fu unit search path and network paths

LacaK lacak at zoznam.sk
Tue Sep 22 09:26:02 CEST 2020

>>>>>> are supported in -Fu (unit search path) networks paths? i.e. 
>>>>>> -Fu\\server\share -Fu\\server\share\path ?
>>>>> Correction: unit cannot be found only if it is placed in "share 
>>>>> root" \\server\share !
>>>>> When is placed in \\server\share\path then it is found.
>>>>> Why?
>>>> Possibly Share vs directory.   A directory has 4 slashes 
>>>> (\\x\y\<something), a share two.
>>>> Try \\server\share\.
>>> *Does not works. More confusing is that, when I map \\server\share 
>>> to F:\ and I add F:\ to search path it does not work also!
>>> *
>>> *(if unit is in any subdirectory i.e. F:\something then it works ... 
>>> so only root does not work!)*
>>> *
>>> *
>> [0.015] Handling option "-Fud:\"
>> [0.015] interpreting option "-Fud:\"
>> [0.015] Path "D:\" not found
>> So the path exist function probably fails on root dirs.
> This looks like the infamous wrong implementation of checking of 
> directory existence based on reading its attributes (which doesn't 
> work for the root directory, because it has no specific entry on the 
> file-system and thus also no attributes, at least on DOS-like systems) 
> without special handling of the special case of the root directory:
> cfileutl.pas, line 361-375 (trunk):
>     function TCachedDirectory.DirectoryExists(const 
> AName:TCmdStr):boolean;
>       var
>         Attr : Longint;
>       begin
>         if not TryUseCache then
>           begin
>             Result:=PathExists(Name+AName,false);
>             exit;
>           end;
>         Attr:=GetItemAttr(AName);
>         if Attr<>0 then
>           Result:=((Attr and faDirectory)=faDirectory)
>         else
>           Result:=false;
>       end;
> I suggest filing a bug report.
Reported https://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=37793

If you can add there more details please do it ;-)


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