[fpc-pascal] Procedural generics question

noreply at z505.com noreply at z505.com
Fri Sep 4 03:58:49 CEST 2020

On 2020-08-26 05:44, Nico Neumann via fpc-pascal wrote:
> The TypeInfo function checks the code during run-time thus the
> generated code is 'bloated'. Better use the compiler intrinsic
> GetTypeKind.
> {$mode objfpc}
> uses
>    typinfo;
> generic procedure Add<T>;
> begin
>     if GetTypeKind(T) = tkInteger then WriteLn('an integer');
>     if GetTypeKind(T) = tkString then WriteLn('a string');
> end;

That's great but if the type is something like a TRec (custom record) or 
a class, it won't be possible to check the types AFAICT because those 
are special built in type kind values for common basic types?

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