[fpc-pascal] FPC 3.2fixes UTF8Decode strange place

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 09:26:11 CET 2020

El 27/10/2020 a las 21:25, AlexeyT via fpc-pascal escribió:
> rtl/inc/ustrings.inc
> function UTF8ToUnicode(Dest: PUnicodeChar; MaxDestChars: SizeUInt; 
> Source: PChar; SourceBytes: SizeUInt): SizeUInt;
> a) it has "If (PreChar<>13) and FALSE then" and later some big block. 
> with a comment which tells that "and FALSE" is on purpose and block is 
> ignored. ?????
> b) after I removed "that block" I got such trimmed src


As the author of that piece of code, UTF8 recommends expanding LF line 
endings to CR+LF but this will generate some troubles and to try to 100% 
conform the spec. the conversion has been added, but disabled so code 
maintainers can easily remove them if needed. If you remove the piece of 
code about #13 you can safely remove the check about #10 which is now 
nonsense so you end with:

while (OutputUnicode<MaxDestChars) and (InputUTF8<SourceBytes) do
       if (IBYTE and $80) = 0 then
           //One character US-ASCII, convert it to unicode

Have a  nice day.


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