[fpc-pascal] Access Violation on second compile with FPC Text IDE

James Richters james.richters at productionautomation.net
Fri Nov 13 20:03:50 CET 2020

It's not a really recent trunk, maybe from 8 months ago or so..  It is a really really large program, but it's something I've been working on for many years and I have not experienced this until just recently, and I haven't changed anything.   Just for fun I tried compiling it on Win32 and windows 32 bit is not crashing, but it's strange that after I execute the program once, when it is finsihed the blue screen is empty, yet I can compile and run it again.  I have not changed any FPC files and this is a new problem, it happens every single time now on the Win64... and Win32 comes back with the blank screen every time now... So the only thing I can think of is that I must have had some windows update happen and that's what's casing this behavior.

-----Original Message-----
Is this with a recent trunk? I have started seeing this recently; an interface change in one unit causes a crash when compiling another unit. 
The workaround is to force recompilation of everything, which I do by deleting all the compiled files for the program. It is tricky to report as a bug, as it is intermittent, and I have only seen it on a large program.


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