[fpc-pascal] GetClipboardFormatName causing an Error 216

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Thu Dec 31 18:36:30 CET 2020

On 31/12/2020 18:11, James Richters via fpc-pascal wrote:
> Thanks for the info on SynEdit.  Where can I find the synedit source related to the clipboard?
> I think the link you indtended ater 'See the code at.' Didn't come though, can you pleaese send it again?

Sorry, I assumed SynEdit would be recognized as part of Lazarus (yes its 
the fpc list, but the name may still be known). So I simply gave a file 
location in the Lazarus source.

It can be found here: 

Some of the code is specific to SynEdit (E.g. information on code-folding).

But ReadFromClipboard 

checks for either flag being present, and that is all you need. => Then 
the normal text, and line-ends in the text mark where each column ends.
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