[fpc-pascal] callback from c with varargs
Luca Olivetti
luca at ventoso.org
Sat Dec 19 22:35:45 CET 2020
I'm trying to use a c library where I can define a logging plugin.
The c prototype for the callback is
void (*log)(void *logContext, UA_LogLevel level, UA_LogCategory
category, const char *msg, va_list args);
however I couldn't find a way to define a suitable callback in fpc since
the "array of const" construct is not allowed with cdecl without
external, i.e.
procedure LogLog(logContext: Pointer; level: UA_LogLevel; category:
UA_LogCategory; msg: PAnsiChar; const args:array of const);cdecl;
gives an error "Error: VarArgs directive (or '...' in MacPas) without
CDecl/CPPDecl/MWPascal/StdCall and External".
I cannot add "external" (I don't want to call an external function, it's
the library calling my function) or remove the cdecl (parameter passing
wouldn't work then).
Is there some trick to define a function with varargs callable from the
c library?
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