[fpc-pascal] Building complier fails in itolitlsreader.pas

Ryan Joseph genericptr at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 20:04:18 CEST 2019

Updated from svn just now (r43157) and tried to build but I get this error. Pasted below is the source from itolitlsreader.pas and it appears it’s totally mangled. Are other users seeing this also or did my SVN break something?

itolitlsreader.pas(385,24) Error: Identifier not found "Sta"
itolitlsreader.pas(385,48) Fatal: Syntax error, ";" expected but "identifier UNKNOWN1" found
Fatal: Compilation aborted

  while ChunkIndex <> -1 do
    fStream.Position:= Sta                     unknown1       : dword; // always -1
                        nrblock	       : dword; // Number of blocks
                        treedepth      : word;  // The depth of the tree of blocks (1 if no index blocks, 2 one level of index blocks, ...)
                        nrkeywords     : dword; // number of keywords in the file.
                        codepage       : dword; // Windows code page identifier (usually 1252 - Windows 3.1 US (ANSI))
			lcid	       : dword; // LCID from the HHP file.
                        ischm	       : dword; // 0 if this a BTREE and is part of a CHW file, 1 if it is a BTree and is part of a CHI or CHM file
                        unknown2       : dword; // Unknown. Almost always 10031. Also 66631 (accessib.chm, ieeula.chm, iesupp.chm, iexplore.chm, msoe.chm, mstask.chm, ratings.chm, wab.chm).
                        unknown3       : dword; // unknown 0
		        unknown4       : dword; // unknown 0
			unknown5       : dword; // unknown 0
  PBTreeBlockHeader = ^TBtreeBlockHeader;
  TBtreeBlockHeader = packed record
                        Length             : word;  // Length of free space at the end of the block.
                        NumberOfEntries    : word;  // Number of entries in the block.
                        IndexOfPrevBlock   : dword; // Index of the previous block. -1 if this is the first listing block.
                        IndexOfNextBlock   : dword; // Index of the next block. -1 if this is the last listing block.

	Ryan Joseph

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