[fpc-pascal] Error: Local variables size exceeds supported limit

Jonas Maebe jonas at freepascal.org
Sun Mar 10 11:07:50 CET 2019

On 2019-03-10 10:22, Yuriy Sydorov wrote:
> FYI on 64-bit Windows the stack size limit is hard coded to 1GB. The
> same 1GB limit applies on 32-bit Windows. Probably Linux can be
> configured for larger stack.

Linux needs to be specially configured to forbid a larger stack.

> But I agree with Jonas, that using huge local vars is pointless and 
> inefficient.
> So it is not the FPC issue, but the library design issue.

I disagree. We should not break things unless it is required. On Win64 
we should probably give an error when the stack allocation size is 
larger than 1GB, but on other 64 bit platforms we should allow up to 


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