[fpc-pascal] Troubles with SQLDBRESTBridge

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 1 21:31:06 CEST 2019

Am 24.06.2019 um 09:30 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
> With the sample module, I tested all possible cases:

I updated both FPC and Lazarus and also tested the sample module. 
However those variants BasePath empty don't work. I get an exception at 
line 2053 of sqldbrestbridge.pp. It seems that BasePaths is an array of 
length 1 containing an empty string... :/ Don't know if that's supposed 
to be returned by the Split() method or not if the input string is empty...

By the way: is it correct that the sqldbrestdataset currently does not 
support editing/inserting/deleting entries? Do you plan to change this?


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