[fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Language Diagram
Graeme Geldenhuys
mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Sun Sep 23 11:01:22 CEST 2018
On 11/09/18 19:49, Anthony Walter wrote:
> https://www.getlazarus.org/learn/language/lexical/
Nice, but the mouse over animation is pretty annoying [and unnecessary]
I've also been maintaining my own Object Pascal Grammar (using FPC's
objfpc mode only) in a EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) like style. I
include it as part of the FPC Language Reference (INF help) included
with fpGUI.
It might look confusing to some that don't understand EBNF syntax, but
it really is pretty straight forward. Also with DocView's searching
ability and highlighting search matches is is very quick to find the
grammar of any Object Pascal language construct you are looking for.
Here is a snippet of the grammar...
Goal -> (Program | Package | Library | Unit)
Program -> [PROGRAM Ident ['(' IdentList ')'] ';']
ProgramBlock '.'
Unit -> UNIT Ident [HintDirective] ';'
InitSection '.'
Package -> PACKAGE Ident ';'
END '.'
Library -> LIBRARY Ident ';'
ProgramBlock '.'
ProgramBlock -> [UsesClause]
UsesClause -> USES IdentList ';'
HintDirective -> deprecated [String]
-> experimental
-> library
-> platform
-> unimplemented
InterfaceSection -> INTERFACE
InterfaceDecl -> ConstSection
-> TypeSection
-> VarSection
-> ExportedHeading
ExportedHeading -> ProcedureHeading ';' [Directive]
-> FunctionHeading ';' [Directive]
ImplementationSection -> IMPLEMENTATION
Block -> [DeclSection]
ExportsStmt -> EXPORTS ExportsItem [, ExportsItem]...
ExportsItem -> Ident [NAME|INDEX "'" ConstExpr "'"]
[INDEX|NAME "'" ConstExpr "'"]
DeclSection -> LabelDeclSection
-> ConstSection
-> TypeSection
-> VarSection
-> ProcedureDeclSection
LabelDeclSection -> LABEL LabelId
ConstSection -> CONST (ConstantDecl ';')...
ConstantDecl -> Ident '=' ConstExpr [HintDirective]
-> Ident ':' TypeId '=' TypedConstant [HintDirective]
TypeSection -> TYPE (TypeDecl ';')
TypeDecl -> Ident '=' [TYPE] Type [HintDirective]
-> Ident '=' [TYPE] RestrictedType [HintDirective]
TypedConstant -> (ConstExpr | ArrayConstant | RecordConstant)
ArrayConstant -> '(' TypedConstant ',' ')'
RecordConstant -> '(' RecordFieldConstant ';'... ')'
RecordFieldConstant -> Ident ':' TypedConstant
fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal
My public PGP key: http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp
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