[fpc-pascal] Compiling 3.1.1 trunk

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 23 23:18:36 CEST 2018

Jim Lee <jlee54 at gmail.com> schrieb am Sa., 23. Juni 2018, 17:34:

> Hi, newbie to fpc (but not Pascal) here.
> I'm trying to compile the fpc trunk from svn on linux.  I managed to
> find the buildfaq, but I'm running into problems.
> I've done this:
> $ svn checkout http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpcbuild fpcbuild
> $ cd fpcbuild/trunk/fpcsrc/compiler
> $ make cycle  # (no errors, leaves me with a ppcx64 executable)
> $ cd ../..
> $ make all

You only need the fpc/trunk checkout. The fpcbuild repository is for
release building.
In the trunk checkout top level directory do a "make clean all". That
should do it.

After that you can do an install with the INSTALL_PREFIX set to where you
want the whole installation (binaries plus compiled units) to go to.


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