[fpc-pascal] Feature announcement: Dynamic array extensions
Bernd Oppolzer
bernd.oppolzer at t-online.de
Sun Jun 3 11:56:30 CEST 2018
Am 02.06.2018 um 15:14 schrieb Sven Barth via fpc-pascal:
> Mark Morgan Lloyd <markMLl.fpc-pascal at telemetry.co.uk
> <mailto:markMLl.fpc-pascal at telemetry.co.uk>> schrieb am Sa., 2. Juni
> 2018, 10:53:
> However as Dennis points out + is also essential for vector
> operations.
> Perhaps either leaving it to the programmer to define what's needed
> would be the best approach, or alternatively splitting dynamic arrays
> into mathematical vectors and non-mathematical collections. Or
> relaxing
> the requirement that only predefined operators can be redefined,
> so that
> something like _ could be used for concatenation.
> That needlessly complicates the parser as the compiler still needs to
> know them and they also need to be part of its operator precedence
> rules. Don't complicate the language for nothing! And in the end
> operator overloads are one of the best examples for syntactic sugar as
> you can easily achieve the same result with functions and methods.
> Regards,
> Sven
This is somehow off topic of course,
but IMO it is strange to use + for string concatenation;
I always have bad feelings about this. This whole thread would
not exist, if FreePascal had gone another direction like PL/1, for example,
where the string concatenation operator is ||
(and DB2, and - probably - other SQL dialects).
Where does this + for string concat come from?
(Of course, || has some codepage issues, but that's another story,
and it means logical or in other languages ...)
this is (part of) the input for the scanner generator
for the New Stanford Pascal compiler:
SYLBRACK := '[' OR '(.' OR '(/';
SYRBRACK := ']' OR '.)' OR '/)';
SYCOMMA := ',';
SYARROW := '->' OR '@' OR '^';
SYPERIOD := '.';
SYDOTDOT := '..';
SYCOLON := ':';
SYPLUS := '+';
SYMINUS := '-';
SYMULT := '*';
SYSLASH := '/';
SYEQOP := '=';
SYNEOP := '<>';
SYGTOP := '>';
SYLTOP := '<';
SYGEOP := '>=';
SYLEOP := '<=';
SYOROP := '|';
SYANDOP := '&';
SYASSIGN := ':=';
SYCONCAT := '||';
if you want to change the representation of the symbols, you only change
Kind regards
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