[fpc-pascal] How to find address of record member

Martin fpc at mfriebe.de
Sun Jul 8 17:16:01 CEST 2018

On 08/07/2018 17:07, Bo Berglund wrote:
> Say I have a record type defined like this:
>    TAppData = packed record  //Total 8 bytes per app
>      ActiveToken: word; //Matches constant for app if active
>      Option: word;      //16 option bits
>      ExpDate: word;     //Integer TDateTime values
>      Info: word;        //16 info bits
>    end;
> The data is stored in a security dongle memory which can be accessed
> only a word at a time by its word address 0..55.
> I want to write my code such that the address to the individual member
> is calculated automatically so if the record type is modified it will
> still work.

var AppData: TAppData absolute 0;
writeln( ptrint( @AppData.Option ));

You can also take a variable without "absolute"
@AppData.Option - @AppData

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