[fpc-pascal] fphttclient, no way to specify a connect timeout
Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis
d.ioannidis at nephelae.eu
Fri Feb 23 22:57:34 CET 2018
Στις 23/2/2018 11:14 μμ, ο Luca Olivetti έγραψε:
> yes, it does (in procedure TFPCustomHTTPClient.ConnectToServer)
> FSocket:=TInetSocket.Create(AHost,APort,G);
> try
> if FIOTimeout<>0 then
> FSocket.IOTimeout:=FIOTimeout; <-----
> FSocket.Connect;
> except
> FreeAndNil(FSocket);
> Raise;
> end;
please follow the call stack.
The TFPCustomHTTPClient calls TInetSocket.Create constructor which it
calls the inherited constructor from TSocketStream.
So just before the FSocket.Connect, the above code assigns the internal
TSocketStream's FIOTimeout field ( as the TInetSocket is a descendant )
the value from the TFPCustomHTTPClient's FIOTimeout field.
Now the folowing addition in the procedure TInetSocket.Connect uses the
parents (TSocketStream) private procedure SetIOTimeout and FIOTimeout
field to setup the socket timeout option.
ssockets.pp line 979
addr.sin_family := AF_INET;
addr.sin_port := ShortHostToNet(FPort);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr := HostToNet(a.s_addr);
SetIOTimeout(FIOTimeout); <------------------------------------
{$ifdef unix}
While (Res=ESysEINTR) do
Res:=fpConnect(Handle, @addr, sizeof(addr));
It works because the option is set after the socket is created and
before the socket connect call. Of course this is a hack/workaround
because if you need different timeouts for connect and receive then you
need in the onconnect event handler to change the TFPCustomHTTPClient's
FIOTimeout field again for the receive timeout .
AFAIK I'm sure Michael will solved it in a more elegant way than my 30
min code review ....
Just try it and tell me if it works.
Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis
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