[fpc-pascal] Docs: portability differences between Borland/FPC

Martok listbox at martoks-place.de
Sun Aug 19 15:23:29 CEST 2018

Am 19.08.2018 um 14:55 schrieb Florian Klämpfl:
> Please note again: in general, there are no defined rules for FPC as soon as range check errors would occur. For FPC, 
> you are just documenting random *behavior* which might change even with the next minor release.

I know. And I have given up trying to change your mind about that ;-)

Even if the takeaway lesson in the future will be just "it used to be like this,
better check what is current", then that is still better than the state today. I
know this is consistent for you, you've been at this for "a few" years. Coming
from Borland, that is a major unseen difference. The other way around is far easier.

> Well, you have to as you give people the wrong impression that they can control what happens if they suppress/ignore run 
> time errors.

Okay, I've moved that paragraph to it's own section.

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