[fpc-pascal] why can't we define class operator for old fashion object type, but ok for 'advanced record' type?
Sven Barth
pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 15 13:46:00 CEST 2018
Am 15.08.2018 um 11:17 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
> On Wed, 15 Aug 2018, Dennis wrote:
>> Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>>> On Wed, 15 Aug 2018, Dennis wrote:
>>>> I was trying to use a generic class TDictionary<T> with type T.
>>>> This class has a method that compares a variable of T with another
>>>> one.
>>>> When I specialize a class using this TDictionary with a type:
>>>> TSecurity = object
>>>> ....
>>>> end;
>>>> e.g. TNewDict = class(TDictionary<String, TSecurity>);
>>>> it raise a compiler complaining that my TSecurity type has no
>>>> operator = defined.
>>>> But when I try to add like this:
>>>> TSecurity = object
>>>> ....
>>>> class operator = (constref aLeft, aRight: TSecurity ): Boolean;
>>>> //<---compiler Error: Procedure or Function expected
>>>> end;
>>> Did you try creating an "old-fashioned" = operator ?
>>> Something like
>>> Operator = (l,r : TSecurity) z : boolean;
>>> begin
>>> // compare here
>>> end;
>> Just tried.
>> It complained: Fatal: Syntax error, "IMPLEMENTATION" expected but
>> "identifier OPERATOR" found
> Following works here:
> Prograp testo;
> Type
> TSecurity = Object
> a,b : Integer;
> end;
> Operator = (l,r : TSecurity) z : boolean;
> begin
> Z:=(l.a=r.a) and (L.b=r.b);
> end;
> begin
> end.
> But maybe you are using mode delphi ? If so, try separating out the
> object
> definition in a separate unit which is not compiled in delphi mode.
A global operator won't help at all as (currently) the operator won't be
visible during the specialization. Only if the operator is visible
during the *generic's* declaration it would be picked up.
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