[fpc-pascal] FCL-WEB and PostgreSQL Support: Current Status

Daniel Gaspary dgaspary at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 23:42:40 CEST 2017

On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 6:11 PM, Michael Van Canneyt
<michael at freepascal.org> wrote:
> 1. You can perfectly start the fastcgi in the debugger if you use proxy
> server
> or if you use mod_fastcgi confgured with fastcgiexternalserver configuration
> setting. I believe nginx only uses the proxy mechanism.

Nice to know about this configuration. It seens similar to what I was
imagining, using unix sockets(optionally)

> 2. If that is not an option, there is also the following:
> FPC contains a cgi to fastcgi request converter, you can use that to debug
> the fastcgi by running it inside the debugger, and let apache forward the
> request using the cgi bridge.

Could you elaborate about this bridge? Is some apache/nginx
configuration, an external tool, using some apache mod.. ??

> 3. Third option:
>    FCL-Web is transparant in the sense that the code for CGI/FastCGI/Apache
>    module or standalone HTTP server is 100% the same. Only the used
>    TCustomApplication descendent differs for these 4 environments.
> That means you can debug your code using the HTTP server, and switch to
> using FastCGI in production. I use an {$IFDEF } in the project file to
> switch the hosting environment. For the business code this is transparant.

This and the first appear to be the simpler options.

>> Any chance of extend the component / create a new one, with support to
>> receive and send data ?
> No. I don't see the need. See above, there are plenty of mechanisms to debug
> a web environment.

I mean .. Not just for this case, but to have a more capable IPC.

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