Il Grande Beppe ilgrandebeppe at gmail.com
Sat May 20 11:52:22 CEST 2017


I use FPC 3.0.0 on WinXP, Mageia5 and the latest Raspbian, thanks to the incredible versatility of this 
fabulous compiler - and the very appreciated work of you all !

I have a bad experience with $OPTIMIZATION DEADSTORE to report with a long software for numerical 
simulation of the solar system with thousands asteroids :
- on winxp, the software produces correct numbers with and without DeadStore optimisazion enabled.
- on Mageia and Raspbian, the numbers are correct only when DeadStore is disabled. Wrong results are the 
same on both computers.
I ran each time the software on the compiling machine (no crosscompilation).

What is the current status of DeadStore on 3.0.2 and/or in the forcoming version ? Is this problem known ?

Cheers, Beppe.

    {$IFDEF VER3}
       {   $OPTIMIZATION DEADSTORE} { if enabled, wrong results }

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