[fpc-pascal] Interface Inheritance Bug

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sun Mar 19 09:25:57 CET 2017

Am 19.03.2017 05:07 schrieb "African Wild Dog" <paintedlycaon at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> Test env: debian jessie amd64 - fpc 3.0.2
> It seems free pascal have a bug when handling interface inheritance using
> When i try to compile the unit bellow, i get this error:
> "interface_bug.pas(41,44) Error: Incompatible types: got
"TImplementor<System.LongInt>" expected "IParentInterface<System.LongInt>""

I think this will happen with non-generic interfaces as well. So please
test with those and if possible also with 3.1.1 and report a bug if
necessary (preferable with a non-generic example, makes things easier to
debug ;) ).

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