[fpc-pascal] class operator in record

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Wed Mar 1 10:06:43 CET 2017

On 2017-03-01 02:39, noreply at z505.com wrote:
> How come:
>    class operator Initialize(var aFoo: TFoo);
>    class operator Finalize(var aFoo: TFoo);
> in a record are called class operator..
> why not "record operator"?

hahaha... You are asking all the questions I've been meaning to ask too.
>From your question, just goes to show how rubbish Delphi is being
designed these days. Mixing concepts of class and record
interchangeably. And now we have "records" with constructors and
destructors! WTF. EMBT/Delphi are seriously polluting the Object Pascal
with all this rubbish. Unfortunately FPC feels like they need to follow
them like lemmings.


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