[fpc-pascal] class property accessor static

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizamericop at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 10:51:43 CET 2017

2017-02-07 23:17 GMT-03:00 Paul Ishenin <paul.ishenin at gmail.com>:

> 07.02.2017 18:10, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> The getter/setter of a class-property must be "static" (Delphi
>> compatible).
>> If I understand "static" correctly, then "static" simply omits passing
>> the class as parameter. So a static class procedure is just a dumber
>> version of a normal class procedure.
>> What is the advantage of using "static" for class property accessors?
>> Aka: Why did Delphi choose static here?
> Class properties has apperared together with class constants and class
> variables (which are static by their nature). They were introduced (as I
> understand) to give access to private/protected static elements.

For the record, there was a discussion about the topic years ago:

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