[fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?
Paul Breneman
Paul2006 at BrenemanLabs.com
Thu Dec 14 19:17:52 CET 2017
On 12/14/2017 12:02 PM, Bo Berglund wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2017 10:26:22 +0000, Mark Morgan Lloyd
> <markMLl.fpc-pascal at telemetry.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 14/12/17 10:00, Adriaan van Os wrote:
>>> Bo Berglund wrote:
>>>> Now I am looking at the same problem for svn and this time I need it>
>>>> to be cross-platform, hence using FPC.> Before I start on it myself I
>>>> wonder if someone here has already> written such a program for svn and
>>>> if so, if it is available as open> source?
>>> I use sendmail <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sendmail> from FPC, using
>>> AssignStream, fpgeterrno and PClose. Haven't tried that on Windows though.
>> With the caveat that while Sendmail is a well-respected MTA, many unix
>> systems also provide a sendmail command as a generic mailer. On Windows
>> Blat is an alternative.
> But *sending email* is not the problem, I have done this in many
> applications using Indy TIdSMTP. Instead it is getting data out oof
> svn and formatting these in a friendly looking email to be sent....
> Anyway I started on my own svn data collector and got stuck in a very
> basic function...
> I used the information in the wiki page below on how to execute a
> command line program and retrieving its output data for processing.
> Look at the section towards the bottom with subject "Reading large
> output":
> http://wiki.freepascal.org/Executing_External_Programs
> To get the subversion commit data one has to use svnlook, which is a
> command line program so I need to do this.
> But when I use this approach I get no data at all, what could have
> gone wrong here?
> When I reach the end of the repeat loop there is no data at all to
> process, i = 0!
> But when I run the command on the command line manually I do get svn
> data back.
> So what did I do wrong when I used the wiki solution?
I recently used the same code, so I tried to execute your code (below).
I'd suggest adding the two lines (shown below) to troubleshoot. I didn't
execute svnlook but ppcx64 with parameter -h and that works okay with
your code.
> var
> //Command line parameters are:
> REPOS_PATH, //Full path to repository
> REV, //Revision number
> TXN_NAME: string; //Transaction name
> DataBuf,
> Parms: TStringList;
> svncmd: string;
> SCD: TSvnCommitData;
> function GetSvnData(Command: string; Parameters: TStringList; var
> SvnData: TStringList): boolean;
> {Command is the full path to the executable to run (<path>\svnlook.exe
> or <path>/svnlook
> Parameters contain the command line parameters. A typical parameter
> set could be
> info
> -r
> 2121
> <repository path on server>
> The result from the command will be stored into the SvnData
> stringlist
> }
> const
> BUF_SIZE = 2048; // Buffer size for reading the output in chunks
> var
> AProcess : TProcess;
> OutputStream : TStream;
> BytesRead : longint;
> i: integer;
> Buffer : array[1..BUF_SIZE] of byte;
> begin
> Result := false;
> // Set up the process
> AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);
> // Create a stream object to store the generated output in.
> OutputStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
> //Create the data buffer
> try
> AProcess.Executable := Command;
> // Process option poUsePipes has to be used so the output can be
> captured.
> AProcess.Options := [poUsePipes];
> for i := 0 to Parameters.Count -1 do
> AProcess.Parameters.Add(Parameters[i]);
> i := 0;
> // Start the process (run the command)
> AProcess.Execute;
> // All generated output from AProcess is read in a loop until no
> more data is available
> repeat
> // Get the new data from the process to a maximum of the buffer
> size that was allocated.
> // Note that all read(...) calls will block except for the last
> one, which returns 0 (zero).
> BytesRead := AProcess.Output.Read(Buffer, BUF_SIZE);
> // Add the bytes that were read to the stream for later usage
> OutputStream.Write(Buffer, BytesRead);
> Inc(i, BytesRead);
> until BytesRead = 0; // Stop if no more data is available
> OutputStream.Position := 0; // Required to make sure all data is
> copied from the start
> SvnData.LoadFromStream(OutputStream);
> Result := (i > 0); //(SvnData.Count > 0);
// I'd suggest adding these two lines to troubleshoot:
writeln('Number of bytes = ', i);
> finally
> OutputStream.Free;;
> AProcess.Free;
> end;
> end;
> begin
> //Check for the call parameters:
> if ParamCount() < 3 then
> begin
> Writeln('Call parameters missing!');
> exit;
> end;
> REPOS_PATH := ParamStr(1);
> REV := ParamStr(2);
> TXN_NAME := ParamStr(3);
> Parms := TStringList.Create;
> DataBuf := TStringList.Create;
> SCD := TSvnCommitData.Create;
> try
> // The commands for Windows and *nix are different hence the
> {$IFDEF Windows}
> svncmd := 'C:\Programs\Subversion\svnlook.exe';
> {$ENDIF Windows}
> {$IFDEF Unix}
> svncmd := '/usr/bin/svnlook';
> {$ENDIF Unix}
> //Build the call for svnlook
> {1. Get the starting information on the operation
> svnlook info -r <REV> <REPOS_PATH>
> }
> Parms.Add('info');
> Parms.Add('-r');
> Parms.Add('REV');
> Parms.Add('REPOS_PATH');
> if GetSvnData(svncmd, Parms, DataBuf) then
> begin
> SCD.UserName := DataBuf[0];
> SCD.CommitTime := DataBuf[1];
> SCD.Logmessage := DataBuf[3];
> end;
> finally
> SCD.Free;
> DataBuf.Free;
> end;
> end.
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