[fpc-pascal] fpc2js

Victor Campillo victor.campillo at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 12:48:49 CET 2017


Testing the preview that Michael was so kind to share, I found the next 
minor problems trying to compile the packages included, I think that 
everything is related to that the project is work in progress so nothing 
to worry much about.

  * Package fcl_base
      o The package is configured as "designtime and runtime" and this
        cause that the IDE complains about missing register procedure if
        you try to install.
      o Inside the folder fcl-base there is a unit called "browserapp"
        that is not used in the package which could be correct but I
        mention it just in case you forgot to include it in the package.
      o It does not include the command to call pas2js compiler.
      o Adding the command to call pas2js and changing the package to
        runtime just compile fine.
  * Package fcl-db
      o The package include the unit "restconnection" which is missing.
      o Just removing restconnection, the package compile without problems.
  * Package fpcunit
      o The package include the unit "htmltestreport" which is missing.
      o The package is configured as "designtime and runtime" and this
        cause that the IDE complains about missing register procedure if
        you try to install.
      o It does not include the command to call pas2js compiler.
      o Solving the previous remarks, the compilation fails with the 
message "plaintestreport.pas(166,6) Error: identifier not found "IRound""

I will try to convert a little JavaScript project I have to pascal and 
use pas2js, I will let you know if I found any problems do it.

Best Regards.

Victor Campillo

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