[fpc-pascal] TTestSuite

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Fri Sep 2 14:39:57 CEST 2016

On 2016-09-02 00:48, José Mejuto wrote:
> If the tests may show some kind of progress information

I'm assuming you are talking about FPCUnit?

If so, there is already a test progress listener implemented in the form
of the TProgressWriter class (see the consoletestrunner.pas unit).

Simply run your test suite from the command line and specify the -p (or
--progress) command line parameter.

If that's not the output you need, simply define a new class that
implements the ITestListener interface and let any of the following
methods output the information you need.

    { ITestListener interface requirements }
    procedure AddFailure(ATest: TTest; AFailure: TTestFailure);
    procedure AddError(ATest: TTest; AError: TTestFailure);
    procedure StartTest(ATest: TTest);
    procedure EndTest(ATest: TTest);
    procedure StartTestSuite(ATestSuite: TTestSuite);
    procedure EndTestSuite(ATestSuite: TTestSuite);

I used to have multiple listener class for various "progress output". It
takes a minute or two to put a new class together.

Alternatively, there is also the FPTest framework. It's console test
runner also has test progress output and also use a ITestListener
interface. In fact, I modelled the FPCUnit implementation based on
DUnit2 (FPTest is a fork of DUnit2).


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