[fpc-pascal] Generic way to pre-maturely exit TCustomApplication without memory leaks

Lars noreply at z505.com
Fri Oct 21 10:00:16 CEST 2016

On Mon, October 17, 2016 12:18 am, grouchysmurf wrote:
> Hi.
>>> I ended up doing exactly that though it feels like an ugly thoug[h]
>>> incomplete hack. Thanks for the tip.
>> Why a hack?
>> System.ExitCode is meant for returning exitcodes.
> Being  forced to forfeit one or two layers of abstraction in an object
> oriented environment does sound like a hack to me. A direct access to
> system variables is inelegant to my unexperienced eye but YMMV.

Wasn't MSEIDE by Martin dealing with exit codes in a different way? been a
logn time since I used it but I recalled something about exit codes in it.
If it is an OOP architecture (msegui) how does he deal with it? Sorry this
is a little off topic but, different tools deal with things in different
ways and sometimes it is nice to learn from the neighboring tool to see
what elegant solutions they came up with.

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