[fpc-pascal] Generic way to pre-maturely exit TCustomApplication without memory leaks

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Thu Oct 13 09:41:23 CEST 2016

On Wed, 12 Oct 2016, grouchysmurf wrote:

> Hi.
> Is there a way to pre-maturely halt TCustomApplication without causing
> memory leaks?
> Say, I have a code, where TH is a Class(TCustomApplication):
>  ph := TH.Create(Nil);
>  ph.Initialize;
>  ph.ProcessOptions;
>  ph.Run;
>  ph.Free;
> When  options  are processed, it may happen the program needs to halt,
> when provided with  improper  parameters, for example. In such a case,
> I would call Help method:
> Procedure TH.Help(ExitCode : Byte = 0; ErrStr : String = '');
> Begin
> { do stuff }
>  Halt(ExitCode);
> End;
> Now, when this happens, ph is not freed, causing a minor memory leak.
> I don't want that. Is there a way to terminate a program with Halt but
> also making sure the memory has been freed properly?

Call Terminate and exit properly ?
TCustomApplication has an exitcode property which will set the global exit


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