[fpc-pascal] code example where AnsiString used in FCL (SqlDB) causes data loss

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Wed May 11 15:10:46 CEST 2016

On Wed, 11 May 2016, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> On 2016-05-11 13:37, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>> It would not help if we did this: the data would be wrong in the TDataset
>> buffers, and the result would be worse.
> I didn't mean literally search and replace - that would simply be too
> easy. ;-) Some work and testing would be required, otherwise Delphi
> would have had Unicode support much sooner.
>> You just need to know what conversions happen where, and if you do it
>> works just fine.
> If anybody has the time, I would really like to learn how. Using FPC
> 3.x. Running the example program in a Latin-1 [console] environment and
> still get the correct data stored in the output.data file. I can't see a
> solution until SqlDB is changed.

There is none satisfactory. 
As I said: TField.AsString is a problem, we are aware of it.


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