[fpc-pascal] TMaskUtils.ValidateInput function: how is it supposed to behave?

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizamericop at gmail.com
Sun May 8 18:38:46 CEST 2016

2016-04-18 15:26 GMT-03:00 Luiz Americo Pereira Camara <
luizamericop at gmail.com>:

> I propose to write a test suite first with the desired output, based on
> Delphi.
I created a test suite that can be compiled with Delphi (dunit) and fpc

Attached are 3 projects: Delphi, fpc (tests MaskUtils function), lazarus
(tests LCL.EditMask function)

Compiled with Delphi 7 - all tests passes
FPC 3.0 - maskutils 7 failures 1 error
LCL trunk - 3 failures

There are some oddities in the Delphi 7 results (some of them are marked
with //?? comment). I can't say if is a bug or the expected behavior.

Res := FormatMaskText('00', 'test');
Returns 'te'. 00 is not supposed to be only numbers?

 Res := FormatMaskText('\!cc;0', 'test');
Returns 'te!st'. Should not be '!test' ?

Anyway i suggest to run the tests with a newer Delphi before settling the
expected behavior

The projects are hosted at



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