[fpc-pascal] AVR Busy Wait implementation

Marc Santhoff M.Santhoff at web.de
Fri Jan 15 18:56:43 CET 2016

On Fr, 2016-01-15 at 12:55 +0100, Michael Schnell wrote:
> On 01/15/2016 07:48 AM, Christo Crause wrote:
> >
> > The focus of the code is to get accurate delays down to a few cpu cycles.
> >
> This is impossible when running in any normal OS.(Of course you can run 
> an fpc project "bare bone" without an OS),

Which is generally the case on AVR. Those are 8 Bit µControllers having
a 32 Bit core.

If there is any type of OS that would be mostly FreeRTOS (if that fits,
not sure) or NutOS , µCOSII, or maybe even Contiki.

Haven't seen any type of minimalized Linux yet, although it could exist.
Common ATmega controllers have 2 kB of RAM.

Marc Santhoff <M.Santhoff at web.de>

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