[fpc-pascal] building arm cross compiler on FreeBSD

Michael Ring mail at michael-ring.org
Sun Jan 10 09:52:43 CET 2016

Perhaps you should build your own binutils, it seems that the version 
you are using right now does not properly support armv7-m architecture.



|extract, create an empty directory and do:|
|../binutils-2.25.1/configure --target=arm-none-eabi --disable-multilib 
|sudo make install will install the tools to /usr/local|
or try this version from freshports:


It also builds gcc, which of course you do not need.


Am 10.01.16 um 00:16 schrieb Marc Santhoff:
> On Sa, 2016-01-09 at 23:44 +0100, Jonas Maebe wrote:
>> OS_TARGET=embedded
> No, doesn'r do. The error message talks about the assemble, maybe it is
> the binuitls variant installed?
> gmake[3]: Entering directory `/usr/p1/home/marc/program/fpc-cross/src/fpc/rtl/embedded'
> /usr/local/bin/gmkdir -p /usr/p1/home/marc/program/fpc-cross/src/fpc/rtl/units/arm-embedded
> /usr/p1/home/marc/program/fpc-cross/src/fpc/compiler/ppcrossarm -Cparmv7m @rtl.cfg -Ur -Tembedded -Parm -XParm-embedded- -Xr -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../arm -FE. -FU/usr/p1/home/marc/program/fpc-cross/src/fpc/rtl/units/arm-embedded -darm -dRELEASE -XParm-elf- -Us -Sg system.pp
> Assembler messages:
> Error: unknown architecture `armv7-m'
> Error: unrecognized option -march=armv7-m
> system.pp(285) Error: Error while assembling exitcode 1
> system.pp(285) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, stopping
> Fatal: Compilation aborted
> If I try directly:
>   > arm-elf-as -march=armv7-m
> Assembler messages:
> Error: unknown architecture `armv7-m'
>   > lpkg|grep arm
> arm-elf-binutils-2.17
> Which version of binutils is needed or what's going worng otherwise?
> Marc

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