[fpc-pascal] Screwed FPC installation in Xubuntu

Juha Manninen juha.manninen62 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 11:27:08 CEST 2015

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl> wrote:
> Did you install as root ?  The sh script iirc only installs fpc.cfg in
> global dirs as root and otherwise locally as ~/.fpc.cfg

Oops, I found the error. I had installed the 32-bit version of FPC 3RC1.
 "Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.0rc1 [2015/08/20] for i386"
I should not tweak my OS when I am tired.

Interestingly the compiler ran although it didn't work well without
fpc.cfg, but "fpcmkcfg" did not run at all.
Bash told the file or directory does not exist while it certainly was
there. Even "which fpcmkcfg" showed its location.
Anyway, on a 64-bit Linux you cannot run all 32-bit programs like you
can on Windows.
Now I have installed the 64-bit version. I can see /etc/fpc.cfg and
everything works again. Happy end!

The Ubuntu package manager behavior remains a mystery. I thought the
system is clean of FPC packages but reinstalling them still created
broken links to /etc/alternative.
In this matter I must agree with Graeme, the package manager tried to
be too smart.

Otherwise Xubuntu is rock-solid. I used Manjaro for a while. It is
also very good and the package system is better than in Ubuntu.
However it is a rolling on-the-edge distro and I got problems, partly
because I experimented too much.
Also the KDE 5 Plasma was not stable enough yet.
I will return to Manjaro later but now I want to do something else
than tweak my OS.


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